Friday, October 7, 2011

A trip to the local library

I wish I had pictures to show just how cute this was. Alas, I do not. You will just have to use your imagination.

On Fridays we attend a playgroup at our local library. The kids get to run around and play with each other and then get a story, some songs, a craft and a snack. Burns off energy right before naptime. Love! This Friday was no exception. Maybe Jacob was showing off because his friend came, or he was just being him. Either way, that kid knows how to draw attention. The toys got picked up and all the kids found a place to sit on the rug. Mine of course sat right in front (teacher's pet anyone?). Miss Morgan (our story time teacher) gets herself a chair. Get ready for it.... what does my child do? Before the teacher even has a chance to sit in the chair, Jacob has climbed up there! All the other moms laughed. And it was cute. He is constantly doing things like this!

Last week while at the library, he walked up to some other children in the children's area and asked "You guys checking your Facebook?". Ooops, mom thinks she *might* spend a bit of time on Facebook.