Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our Love Story

The first time I saw him, I was working at Starbucks. It was one of those hot summer days that kept you busy. The door chimed, I looked up from counting the hours until I was off and there I saw him. All, clean shaven, black tank top with black pants. It was obvious he had just gotten off work. I was instantly drawn too him. And I made a complete fool out of myself trying to be cool.
~ Lacey

When I walked into Starbucks on that fateful day, I never expected to meet the woman I would spend the rest of my life with.  I had gotten off work at another Starbucks and had stopped by this store on my way home for some reason, I forget why now.  I saw a pretty face snap up from the counter when I walked in, and I knew I was the center of her attention from the get-go.  Her over- use of smiles and just-a-little-too-quick responses made me realize that this beautiful girl was virtually twiterpated by me.  My mind went to that weird place that a guys mind sometimes does; that place where  everything around you gets muted and you're two people in a room, and you know the face you're looking at will never be forgotten.
~ Jesse

Jesse is that goofy guy that you love. He is funny and kind. What really drew me too him was how he treated me. I was his princess and he treated me as such. Even after that first day at Starbucks it was another few weeks before we would really start getting to know one another. One Tuesday I ended up working at the other Starbucks in town. It was crazy that day. I was almost late to work because of a drawbridge, I twisted my kneed and called out to my other job and just overall it was weird. Then he walked in. Not long after he clocked on, he hurt himself. In true Jesse fashion it was something silly. I asked if he wanted a hug. He actually said yes. I gave him a total deer in head lights look and walked away. Later on I suggested we hang out. You see, I already knew I wanted to get to know him better and I was going for it! We exchanged numbers and I began the dreaded "wait for him to call" game. He actually called me later that night and we went on our first date. Something deep inside of me knew that he was different and special in a way that I had never encountered before.
~ Lacey

Lacey is by far the smartest, and yet somehow the quirkiest woman I have ever met.  The smarts didn't come through so much the day that we worked together ever so briefly at my Starbucks.  You could tell she was having a day of it, and that somehow me walking in made it worse, but better at the same time.  Lacey showed me that day that I had an effect, that I mattered,  and that made me feel something I hadn't felt in a very long time. The too-quick responses, the tone of voice, everything about her manner said that she was interested in me as well.  I probably didn't give off the same vibe, but I was definitely eager to find out more about this woman who could seem so confident one second, and about to loose her head the next!
~ Jesse

One of the highest and at the same time lowest points was find out I was pregnant. Marriage had been discussed but never proposed. While I was instantly in love with my little pumpkin, I had no idea how Jesse was going to handle it all. He amazed me as he continues to do so. He was calm and rational and filled with love. Two months later we were married. Like many relationships that start out as quickly as ours did, there have been some trying times. Lots of tears, hurt words, the occasional throwing of a book. But when I am done with my tantrum, he is there to help me pick up the pieces. Jesse loves me with a Christ like love. I am not always lovable but here he is, right alongside me, loving me.

The second high point would have to be the day we said "I do". So many things were thrown my way that would make most brides lose it. All I could think about was how sharply dresses Jesse was going to be and how I couldn't wait to walk down the aisle of the quaint little church I had chosen.

The first years of our marriage were rocky. But we survived. Friends have come and gone, we have lost loved ones along the way,  but in the end, we are still here, still working on this marriage, still loving each other.

The last high and low point comes with the birth of our second son. I wasn't the birth I wanted for myself. I did however cry happy tears when Jesse told me to say hello to our Levi.
We have two little boys who are the best testimony to the love that we share. I hope we can be all that they need us to be. And I hope that I can continue to grow and be he wife that Jesse deserves.
~ Lacey

Sometimes I think my brain is wired in reverse; most people seem to remember the negative things that happen to them instead of the positive when they look back on their lives. I feel like the landscape of my marriage to Lacey has been defined by its peaks rather than its valleys.

When I saw the doors to the little church we were married in open and watched Lacey walk down the isle, it was everything I could do not to cry tears of joy. My heart cried out my love for her in a way my chest could barely contain. The birth of our first son, Jacob, made us a family instead of a couple, and I knew that we could do anything from then on. When Levi came so stubbornly into our family, I watched as my wife showed me what having what you want not be what you want looks like, and all I could do was be the support she needed and be thankful for a healthy baby.  Even the trips to say our final goodbyes to loved ones have been filled with moments that I look back on and laugh over.

I spent so many of my younger years being angry and negative. Once you have lived through what constant anger does and realize what it's doing to your heart and soul, it dulls everything until someone turns the volume up to eleven.  I'm more mellow than I used to be, for sure, and I still have my moments.  But I know that I will continue to grow with my wife and out little family for many years to come
~ Jesse


  1. Children really do change everything...for the BETTER, don't they?! What a happy post:)

    1. Thank you. Its part of the devotional that we are working on together. I thought a post like this needed shared.

  2. What an awesome post! Can you share with me the devotional series you are (were?) doing? I loved reading this, Lacey.

    1. We need to get back into doing it Nicole :-) It was a free amazon book. Closer by Jim and Cathy Burns. Its been a great devotional book.
