Friday, August 31, 2012

Gluten Free Series

        I am going to do a gluten free series. I have a bunch of recipes pinned on Pinterest that I am dying to try. Something can look yummy, and just not turn out. Pictures are deceiving that way. Most of these the reviews, or comments say things like "I can't wait to try this". Okay, did you try it? Did it turn out? Was it tasty? I'll be honest here. I miss my gluten full breads. Olive Garden bread sticks, Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, homemade cinnamon rolls. You get the picture.  For my own sanity (and pregnancy cravings) I need to find an acceptable substitute for these items. Thus the Gluten Free Series. It won't be a daily post (or it might be) but anytime I make dinner and use a new recipe or make it GF, I'll share it here with you. Some recipes are my own, some will be trials from other bloggers.

I hope this is something you enjoy. Please feel free to share this blog and/or pin it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Being Gluten Free

5 months old and starting to fade away
I am gluten free because my baby needs me to be. He was born a healthy 9lb baby. The pregnancy was normal and smooth. He was the perfect newborn.... for a week. He cried all the time (and this was not my 1st baby), 3 weeks old, he was sick with a cold. Where did that come from? It took over a month to get better. By 3 months, he never slept. Never. I was a walking zombie, even though big brother still took naps, there was no way mommy could even try to sneak one in. Then one day, he slept all day. I knew something was wrong. He had pneumonia. 3 months old and my baby was really sick. But mommy caught it in time. I just *knew* something wasn't right. The months went on, he cried and cried. And never seemed full, 5 jars of baby food, nursing, a bottle and still it was never enough. He was up to a whole 13 pounds by 6 months when he ended up with RSV. We have battled countless colds by this point, many sleepless nights and a constant runny nose. Then my big boy gets sick. Really sick. Countless hours are spent on the internet, researching things to make him better. When suddenly it occurs to me that it might be a gluten issue. My mom has it, so maybe my kids do too. A trip to the doctors and three days later we have our confirmation. Big boy is sensitive to gluten and little man can't have it at all.

12 months old and thriving
Now, just 4 months later, my 13 month old is starting to develop and grow. To do the things that babies are supposed to do. He finally doubled his birth weight, and is out growing his 9 month size clothes. He stands, and talks and naps. Oh those glorious naps!

What a difference a few months and no gluten has made in my baby.