Jesse got a new job! He starts on Monday. This however brings some BIG changes to our family. We are leaving the house we have rented for the last year and I am moving in with my parents. He is moving here.....
Bremerton, WA. So for us, its pretty much a move across the state. But it will be SO worth it and I really feel like we are doing God's will with this move.
Here is our other exciting news......
As if two little boys weren't enough, we are expecting our THIRD baby (yes, just one baby) some where around the beginning of Feb. We will be finding out this time, cause I of course thought we probably weren't going to have any more and started to sell the baby stuff! Plus, it might be PINK and of course, she messes up the name of my blog (just kidding). We will need to outfit her will all sorts of cute girly baby things!
So I haven't been blogging because all of my free time has been taken up by
- Packing
- Cleaning
- Sleeping
- and generally not feeling well
HB - 169
Measuring 8w3d (should be between 9w0d and 9w4d) - this does have me a bit concerned. With LMP it should be 9w4d, and with MY cycles it should be the 9w, so baby is measuring a week to 5 days behind.